How To Deal With Feeling Unattractive When Your Wife Isn’t Sexually Attracted To You

When it comes to relationships, one of the most difficult and heartbreaking issues to deal with is when your partner isn’t sexually attracted to you. It can put a strain on any relationship, no matter how strong the emotional bond between two people.

Unfortunately, this is something that my wife and I have had to face in our own relationship. In this article, we’ll be exploring how we navigated this issue and ultimately found a way forward for us both.

Understanding Your Wife’s Lack of Sexual Attraction

It can be difficult to understand your wife’s lack of sexual attraction. While it is important to talk honestly with your partner and try to understand each other’s needs, it is also important to recognize that the lack of sexual attraction may not always have an easy-to-identify cause. Your wife may be feeling overwhelmed or stressed out due to a variety of factors, such as life changes or relationship issues.

It’s important to take the time to listen and learn about what she needs in order for her feelings toward you, and sex in general, to improve. You might consider talking with a licensed therapist who specializes in couples’ counseling if necessary.

Exploring Communication Strategies

Exploring communication strategies when it comes to dating can be an important part of having successful relationships. Knowing how to effectively communicate with potential partners is a skill that will serve you well in all kinds of relationships.

The first step in exploring communication strategies is to become aware of your own communication style and the way it might differ from other people’s styles. Consider what kind of language you use, how often you use it, and whether or not you’re comfortable expressing yourself verbally. Understanding these things can help you adjust your communication approach when needed.

Figure out what type of communication works best for both parties when discussing difficult topics or conflicts.


When my wife and I first heard about the new dating app DateYou, we were intrigued. After all, it promised to help those with a sexual attraction issue like ours.

We decided to give it a try and see if it could help us reconnect and get back our attraction for one another. The app is designed to be an interactive platform that helps couples build trust, enhance communication, and increase their connection through activities like quizzes, games, conversations, and more.


If you’re in a relationship where your wife isn’t sexually attracted to you, TinderMeets can be a great way to find someone else who is. This dating app makes it easy to connect with people in the same boat as you, so that you can explore new avenues of physical and emotional intimacy without having to worry about any potential repercussions.

The app also offers a variety of features designed to help users find the perfect match, such as detailed search filters and an intuitive chat system. All in all, TinderMeets is an excellent option for those seeking companionship outside of their existing relationships.


If you are in a relationship where your wife isn’t sexually attracted to you, then OneBBW could be the perfect app for you. This online dating app is geared specifically towards plus-sized singles, so there’s no doubt that you’ll find someone who will appreciate your body and feel comfortable with it.

Plus, the user interface is extremely easy to use and understand, making it ideal for both experienced daters and those just getting started. With an active community of users who are always up for some flirty fun, OneBBW is sure to bring the spark back into your life.


When it comes to my wife isn’t sexually attracted to me, CharmDate is an excellent resource for those looking for a solution. Not only does the site offer a variety of tools and resources read more that can help couples work through their issues, but it also provides a safe and secure platform for them to do so.

CharmDate offers a wide array of communication options including private messaging, live chat rooms, video calls, and even an app that allows users to stay connected when they are on the go.

Identifying Possible Causes for Reduced Sexual Attraction

Identifying possible causes for reduced sexual attraction in the context of dating can be tricky. It is important to understand that physical attraction is a complex combination of chemistry, personal preference, and societal expectations. It is normal for individuals to experience changes in hookup milfs their level of sexual attraction over time.

If you are noticing a decrease in your own or your partner’s level of sexual attraction, there are several potential causes worth exploring. Consider any recent lifestyle changes that may have impacted libido or desire such as stress at work or home life difficulties. Relationship problems such as resentment and communication issues can also create distance between partners and lead to decreased levels of sexual attraction.

Seeking Professional Help for Resolving the Issue

Seeking professional help for resolving dating issues can be a great idea for those who are struggling with finding or maintaining relationships. Professional help such as counseling, coaching, or therapy can provide personalized guidance and support to help you find success in the dating world.

Counselors and therapists can help you identify any underlying causes that might be contributing to your difficulty in meeting someone special, such as low self-esteem, fear of rejection, or social anxiety. Coaches can provide more practical advice on how to approach potential partners and navigate challenging conversations and situations.

How can I communicate my feelings to my wife in a constructive way?

Communicating your feelings to your wife in a constructive way can be challenging, especially when it comes to topics related to sexual attraction. It’s important to approach this conversation with an open mind and heart. Start by taking some time for yourself – take a walk, meditate or write down your feelings. Once you have taken the time to reflect on your thoughts and emotions, the next step is to communicate with your wife in an honest and respectful manner.

Are there any resources or counseling services that might help us address this issue?

Yes, there are plenty of resources and counseling services available to help address this issue. Couples counseling can help you and your partner communicate more effectively about your needs and desires in a safe environment. There are many self-help books, online articles, and other resources that can provide information on how to improve relationships or build attraction.

What can we do together to make our relationship more fulfilling and intimate on an emotional and physical level?

One of the best things you can do to make your relationship more fulfilling and intimate on an emotional and physical level is to start communicating more openly and honestly with one another. Talk about what makes each of you feel loved, connected, and desired. Share your needs, wants, desires, fears, and insecurities so that both of you can better understand each other’s feelings. Make sure to listen actively when your partner speaks without judgment or criticism.